HiRISE Gazes On Opportunity

NASA and their toys - golly what fun!
No sooner had the MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) and its HiRISE camera dropped into its hi-res photo orbit of Mars, then the guys at NASA do what any red-blooded Top Men would do - aim the camera at Victoria Crater to see if they can get a sweet picture of Opportunity scuttling around the edge. Oh yeah - they got it! You can actually see the shadow of the rover's mast!
Top Men (after an episode of hyperventilation) have culled out a few. Hope you have broadband!
Here is the zoomed image of Opportunity. (1176 x 942 pixels)
Here is the money shot that shows all of Victoria crater. (4045 x 5085 pixels)
Download the full Victoria image. (4048 x 30,000 pixels)
And for our light-weight customers - same images, less filling...
Here is the zoomed image of Opportunity. (512 x 410 pixels)
Here is the money shot that shows all of Victoria crater. (2048 x 2575 pixels)
Here is the full Victoria image. (2048 x 15,178 pixels)
Previous related Wohba links:
Behold Victoria
HiRISE Hi-res
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