The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is go for orbit insertion in three hours. Here is the timeline (Pacific Time Zone) of events...
12:49 p.m. - Step One: Pressurize
1:03 p.m. - Step Two: Switch to Low-gain Antenna
1:07 p.m. - Step Three: Turn spacecraft
1:24 p.m. - Step Four: Commence Firing for Orbit Insertion
1:46 p.m. - Step Five: Bye For Now, MRO!
1:51 p.m. - Step Six: Burn Ends
2:16 p.m. - Step Seven: Hello Again, MRO!
2:30 p.m. - Step Eight: Check Health and Status
(More details on the events are
The entire process of orbit insertion will be monitored by NASA using doppler radar. You can get to the real-time radar feed
It'll be a few months before full-fledged images start arriving - but some early test images will show up sooner.
Top Men will keep you updated.
UPDATE (2:26 p.m.): Orbit insertion successful! Welcome to Mars, MRO.
Previous related Wohba links:
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter